Bankruptcy Services
Filing Chapter 7 is somewhat harder now than it was before since the bankruptcy laws were changed in 2005.
Because EASY SOLUTIONS PARALEGAL is a debt relief agency, we offer bankruptcy advisory services for debtors filing Chapter 7, that will help guide them through this tougher Federal Code.
Since the new law prohibits a debtor being assisted over the phone, our bankruptcy service begins by holding an eligibility test in our office to determine if you qualify.
You will be advised on certain items to bring to the test.
This process should take about an hour, after which, we will advise you on your bankruptcy qualification viability…and under what chapters you would qualify for.
We provide you with copies of all the tests you took that deal with income, budget and assets. Then, we refer you to a credit counseling agency in your area.
That is Step 1.
When you return to us with your certification, we begin Step 2. First we file your bankruptcy paper along with your credit counseling certification.
Then, you will need to attend a hearing before the bankruptcy trustee, where once again, the trustee can request many documents, including your tax returns, to support their eligibility. However, if you don’t submit your documents in a timely manner…
the trustee can dismiss the case!
EASY SOLUTIONS PARALEGAL has the experience and knowledge of the exact requirements the court expects in the preparation of your papers. Our bankruptcy services will stay the course throughout your entire case. You can have total confidence that we will make sure your documents are filed promptly, and we will aid you in answering questions you might encounter from the trustee, or the court itself.